Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher.
With Easy IGN, you can display messages on screen for your 3D or 2d Games.
Do you want to notify a success, a warning or just display a simple message in your games ?
So this package will fit your needs !!
The package includes:
- Display Text Message (fadeIn/FadeOut effect, letter one by one effect) or Image Message with ease
- Display Text AND image at the same time, in a cool way,chat lile system, on top of the screen and a cool fade out to top effect. (NEW)
- Two detections modes : using collisions (trigger or not) and with raycast
- Fully configurable (text color, text size,images)
- Use new GUI (and old GUI for Text messages)
- 4 demos
- C# scripts
- Scripts can be customisable
Include : camera control script; fadeIn/fadeOut effect; letter by letter effect ...and DOCUMENTION (pdf)
Independant code, so you don't have to break your code !
You just have to use the prefabs or use the scripts.
Author's page