Simple Cats - Cartoon AnimalsA simple asset pack of cats to create a simple cube style game with our other assets.FACEBOOK | OTHER ASSETS10 Cats - 3 Variations eachJapanese Bobtail, MaineCoon, Persian, Russian Blue, Siamese, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx, Striped Tabby and Tabby.PropsToy Mice, Yarn, Litter trays, Cat Trees, Bowls, and Cat poo!AnimationsIdle, Walk, Run, Eat, RunJump, Attack, Sit down, Sit Idle, and Sit Up◼ Compatibility ◼- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here📜 Synty Newsletter 📜Don't miss out on release discounts!Sign up to our Synty Asset Store NewsletterFollow us for updates, promotions, previews & tutorials:DISCORD | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | TWITTER | INSTAGRAMALSO SEESIMPLE APOCALYPSESIMPLE WORLDSIMPLE TOWNSIMPLE INTERIOR OFFICESIMPLE INTERIOR HOUSESIMPLE PORTSIMPLE FARMSIMPLE PEOPLESIMPLE CITIZENSSIMPLE PROPSSIMPLE ITEMSSIMPLE BUILDINGSSIMPLE CARSSIMPLE ZOMBIES