PoolGen is a multi-object pooling system with a unique inspector to help you setup your object pools super quick! Now with networking support!
WebGL Example
Networked Standalone Example
Features -
- UNET networking support via ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler
- Easy to use inspector with object previews
- Handles different objects in a single pool manager
- Random weighted chance spawning system
- UnityEvents for OnPooled, OnSpawn, OnDespawn so you can setup events either through inspector or script
- A scene with a very basic example of how to use this system
- A handy ResetRigidbody component to zero out the velocities of the Rigidbody upon spawning
Note: Some C# knowledge required to incorporate this into your project via scripting. Variables that need to be reset upon spawning/despawning must be implemented by you as this system will not automatically do it for you (ex. character health, level, etc.).