Bitboys 3D Endless Runner System (Mobile & Desktop)
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The Bitboys 3D Endless Runner System is an original "Endless Runner" type system in which you must prevent the egg from being damaged or falling.
The system can be used freely to create new games for both mobile and desktop devices.
These are some of the features included on the system:
·100% Original Game System·
·Mobile ready and fully optimized·
· Desktop Ready, download and start using it ·
·100 Animated UI·
·Social Media Sharing integration·
·Fully commented C# Scripts·
·Character Selection Menu·
·Character unlocking ·
·Cool Particle Effects·
·Custom Screen Transitions·
·Visual Documentation Included·
·And many more features!·
The Asset uses the Open Sans Font Family under Apache 2.0 license;
See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details".