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RSK is the perfect easy-to-customize racing template that features laps and bots selector, multiple AI bots, real-time positioning, and much more. It’s coded in C# and there are PDF/video guides.Racing Starter Kitby SpinMotionTested in Unity 2018.4.8f1, 2019.4.31f1 and 2020.3.7f1 versions. NOTE: 2017 versions and earlier don't work properly.Test the demo | Read the DocumentationCustom Racetracks Tutorial VideoCustom Cars and Physics System Tutorial VideoSpinMotion assets lineup:Racing Starter KitRacing Project Kit MultiplayerRacing Project Kit Openworld MultiplayerOverview:Build your racing game with this starter template which includes a laps and bots selector menu, multiple AI bots support with customizable AI waypoint, real-time positioning system, checkpoints with laps counter and much more.It is fully coded in C# and the scripts are commented to customize it easily. Also, the project includes a complete PDF documentation.Customize to your own. Replace the scenarios, models, cars and apply this asset mechanics to save time and build up your complete racing scene.Main Features:Laps & Bots Selector: Select easy and fast with 2 buttons, the number of laps you want and how many AI bots you want to compete with. In v2.0 update you can select from the Unity inspector the maximum of laps for the lap selector and the maximum of bots it's calculated automatically by a script.Laps System: The circuit includes a Checkpoint and a Finish Line to count the laps. You can place it in different sizes or directions.The project supports up to 99 AI bots in a scene, adding new bots takes only two easy steps that you can check in the PDF doc.Different Race Finishes: At the end of the race a finish panel will appear with a different camera showing a basic summary of the race saying if you won or not.Real-Time Positioning System:The asset has a complete system with checkpoints that act as a distance meter. Both, the player and the bots, when they cross each one in sequential order, they obtain a position measure to make an overall comparison (lap count + check count + distance to the last passed checkpoint).In this way, we obtain the absolute race position in run time. You can add more checkpoints without any extra coding, and the system it's fully documented.Dynamic AI Waypoint:You can create a custom route that the AI bots will follow. You only need to create boxes with the name point followed by the number of the point, and a script will do the rest. This system is documented so you can follow the instructions and create your own route easily and really fast.-UI:Race position, laps, time, finish panels, start race countdown and additional info it's completely showed and worked via Unity UI.Documentation/Customer Support:This asset includes a complete PDF file that explains how everything was made and how you can work with it, the scripts of the project are fully comented.Tutorial video to add your own cars with other physics system.You can check more videos in the SpinMotionGames YouTube channel.You can contact SpinMotion for any kind of question in Twitter by sending a DM or you can send a mail at spinmotiongames@gmail.comAdditional Features:-3 Camera Views:You can change between 3 different cameras with the "V" key, you can change the key activation too in the input manager or the axis activation in the Unity inspector.-Countdown UI:Start your race with the typical 3, 2, 1, Go countdown with Sound FX included, and Car Controller deactivated until it hits Go. This countdown is fully customizable (numbers, fx sounds, and more)-Pause menu:Pause the game at any part of the race by pressing the Escape key or clicking the button. The pause button also opens the Pause Menu which let's you restart the race or go back to the Play Menu.Final information:Car models are from racoon media 3D racing assets v2 pack, and track & environment models were made by Kenney Assets.Some Unity Standard Assets components are used in this project as placeholders for car physics, particles, and more.This asset uses Racing kit (1.2) under [Creative Commons Zero, CC0] and 3D RACING ASSETS v2 under [Creative Commons Zero, CC0]; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Main Features:Test the demo | Link to Documentation.Custom Racetracks Tutorial Video.Custom Cars and Physics System Tutorial Video.Supports Windows, Mac and Linux.Real-Time Positioning System.Dynamic AI Waypoint.Laps & Bots Selector.Multiple AI Bots support (up to 99).Different Race Finishes.Various game UI elements.Additional Features:3 camera views.Start race countdown UI.Pause system.
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