Spline Tool is a very simple and easy to use tool that allows you to create paths and traverse them with a few simple scripts.
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- Multiple types of nodes {Free, Aligned, Mirrored, Auto, Poly} that allows yo to create whatever shape you have in mind.
- Simple editing by cloning the nodes and deleting them when need it.
- Unity complete integration, user can attach scripts to each node of the spline.
- Integrate your own scripts throw some defined events such as: { OnSplineChanged, OnReachEnd, OnReachStart }
- Move gameObjects along the spline in both directions {Forward, Backward} and with different modes {Loop, Ping-Pong, Stop}
- Interpolation scripts for different effects {Fade, Color, Scale, Rotate}
- Multithreaded code for opitmization such as {Traverse, Mesh}
- Render meshes along the spline...
If you have any questions, feel free to write me at waloncab@gmail.com