Bathroom Interiors - is a set of 3 bathrooms with more than 40 low and medium polygonal models
Bathrooms - 3
Doors - 3
Windows - 1
Curtain - 1
Showers - 1
ShowerHead - 1
Toilets - 3
Sinks - 3
Baths - 4
Cupboards - 1
Closet - 2
Stand - 1
Toilet papers - 2
Washing machine - 1
Bath towel stands - 4
Mirrors - 3
Lamps - 1
Lamps group - 3
Towel - 1
Plaid - 2
Shampoo - 7
Soap - 1
PowerSocket - 2
Switch - 3
-Textures size: 512,1024,2048,4096
---Please add Standart assets (Effects, Characters) before importing package---
More assets
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House Furniture