Mobile Screen Resolutions
Test your UI with the most important resolutions.
By downloading this package you will get all most important resolutions for mobile game developing included in your Editor. You will be able to easy and rapidly test your UI for Android & iOS without changing platform!
Why download?
1. No more adding all resolutions with each new project and with each new Unity Editor update. So no more human-errors when adding them! (x2084 instead of x2048)
2. No more changing between platforms to test a specific resolution.
3. As already said, get all most important resolutions!
How to use it
Inside the editor, just go to Window/Mobile Screen Resolutions/Open window.
Window explanation
Is portrait?
Please check if your game it's portrait (vertical), uncheck if it's landscape (horizontal).
Add Resolutions
By clicking Add Resolutions all the listed resolutions are going to be added to the dropdown in the game tab.
Remove Resolutions
By clicking Remove Resolutions all the user-resolutions are going to be removed from the dropdown in the game tab.
Small, Medium and Big resolutions.
Here you fill find the smallest, middlest and biggest resolution of all the listed in the json file.
Others devices
By clicking any of the resolutions, the game tab will resize accordingly.
GitHub Repository
If you want to add any resolution, just make an issue here please.