【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第102弾】9月13日 0:00 〜 9月19日(木) 23:59まで
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『Goblin Animated』$10.99 => FREE(9月19日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで 水曜まで
9月のサプライズセールが始まりました🎉 ゲーム開発に役立つ200以上のアセットが50%オフ
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※ 有効期限:2024年9月30日まで、複数回利用可能、セール品以外にも使えます
【Humble Bundle】 その他 ソフトウェアバンドルはこちら
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
Modular Dungeon builder
TIP: You can use the wall prefabs as alternative ground/ceiling
TIP: Set your Snap settings to 0.25 for easier level building
TIP: When using the first person character prefab from Unity Standard Assets (not included), set the radius to 0.4 or smaller.
TIP: The walls are 3 meters high, 0,5 meter thick. The floor/ceiling parts are 0.5 meter high. The Stair parts are 1.75 meters high, so you need two to reach the next floor.
The following list contains prefab information in the following order:
Prefab - [Tris count] - [Texture Resolution]. Almost all prefabs have three textures: an Albedo map, a Metallic map and a Normal map. The resolution of these textures is the same. All textures are squares, so 1024 means 1024x1024.
Barrel - 812 - 1024
Chalice01 - 508 - 512
Chalice02 - 572 - 512
Gate Fence - 1252 - 1024
Skull - 874- 512
Stone Table Clean - 236 - 1024
Stone Tble Stained - 236 - 1024
Torch - 1064 - 512
Rocks - 120 - 512
Bone - 148 - 256 - No normal map.
Bench - 304 - 1024
Cage no Bottom - 1704 - 2048
Cage with Bottom - 1716 - 2048
-Bottom has textures of 512
Manacle - 852 - 3x512
Chain Link - 70 - 512
Sword - 858 - 512
Wooden Chest - 1430 - 2x1024
Wooden Chest No Top - 702 - 1024
Block 50x45x50(3) - 108 -1024
Mushrooms - 441 - 512
Stone Chest - 800 - 2x1024
Stone Chest No Top - 772 - 1024
Pentagram - 340 - 512
Candle Stick - 2444 - 2x512 - No normal map
HandAndArm - 2598 - 512
Stairs - 224 - 2048
Door - 172 - 1024
Beam Ceiling - 52 - 1024(Shared with wall beam)
Floor 300x300x50 Light 24 - 2048, 1024
Floor 300x300x50 Dark 24 - 2048,1024
Ground Patches: there are 12 different patches that make a better transition between the ground and the walls.
They have between 36 and 288 tris, the textures are the same as /shared with the floor parts (2048x2048).
Walls: all walls share the same textures (2048x2048 Albedo, MetalSmoothness and normal):
Wall 50x50x300 - 24 tris
Wall 100x300x50 - 24 tris
Wall 100x300x100 - 24 tris
Wall 300x300x50 - 24 tris
Wall 300x300x50 Door 56 tris
Wall 300x300x50 Window 64 + 240 (frame) tris. The frame has an Albedo, MetalSmoothness and Normal texture of 512x512.
Wall 300x300x300 Corner - 40 tris
Wall Gate Tio 300x300x50 - 24 tris. Can be used in combination with the Gate Fence.
Wooden Beam 300x50x50 - 24 tris
Wooden Beam 300x300x50 Corner - 40 tris
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