This project achieves the common functions of AR album through the most concise code, recognizes photos by device's camera, superimposes videos on photos, so that users can reappear his memory of the moment. It can be used in graduation commemoration, wedding photo studio, parent-child interaction, photo album, scenic snapshot and other applications. This project uses the SDK and Cloud Recognize Services authorized by EasyAR. If your application is for business, please go to EasyAR home page https://www.easyar.com to subscribe the related services.
""These assets use [LitJson] under [Unlicense (public domain)], [Native Gallery] under [MIT License]. See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.""
Unlimited recognition times
Up to 1000 offline photo targets
Cloud recognition support: fast recognition within 0.1s and high recognition accuracy up to 98%
Support Platforms: Android & ios
Support Unity Version: Unity 2019.2.3f1+