Please note that Cineware by Maxon only works with Unity 2019.3.0b7 and beyond.
Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset conquer the complex challenges of 3D content creation for design, motion design, VFX, games and visualization professionals. Cinema 4D is the most accessible 3D software package on the market and provides a uniquely efficient workflow. A playground-like feel gives artists the freedom to be creative - producing outstanding results, whether working on your own or in a team. For more information: https://www.maxon.net/cinema-4d
The Cineware by Maxon plugin allows you to quickly and easily import Cinema 4D files into Unity by translating .c4d files into native Unity asset formats. No Cinema 4D license is required to import translated files into the editor. All you have to do is make sure Cinema 4D scenes have been "Saved for Cineware." By default, imported assets will appear relative to the asset folder or imported asset, and the plugin also supports user defined folder hierarchies. Works with C4D Release 21.
Cineware by Maxon currently supports:
Geometry including Vertex Position, Normals, UV, Skinning Weight, Color, Skin and Binding Rig, Pose Morphs as Blend Shapes and Lightmap UV2 Generation on Import.
Materials including Albedo/Metal/Rough, Normal Map, Height Map, Emission and Occlusion Map.
Cineware by Maxon supports the option of not reimporting materials, as imported materials are automatically reassigned to updated geometry.
Lighting including Spot, Directional, Point, Area Rectangle and Area Disc. Supported animated properties are Light Color, Light Intensity, Range, Spotlight Cone Angle and Area Size. Cameras including Field of View.
Please consult the documentation in the package for more detailed information.
Support: https://support.maxon.net/