Xray/See through vision LWRP(Lightweigt Render Pipeline) gives your player or character an abilty to see enemies, collectible objects etc..through walls and gates or any obstacle.This asset comes with a custom "Xray" shader graph which makes it look cool visually.Easy to use, just drag and drop "Layer" script to any object you want to see through walls or gates. The package comes with 2 different Xray shaders/materials assign the material of your choice to the material slot in custom renderer. It has a custom post process effect to make it look visually better, you can later change it accordingly.It uses 2 cameras one for normal and the other that lets you see objects through obstacles. For the provided script pressing key "C" enables the Xray mode, it can be changed as per your requirment.It can be used in any fps, fantasy, action/adventure game or open world battle royal.