Chosen by wonderful games like Dredge, Cult of The Lamb, Slime Rancher 2 and many more, Text Animator for Unity is a powerful and flexible tool that brings your texts to life in very few simple steps.[!!] LAST CHANCE to get this version at this price and unlock Text Animator 2.0 in early access! (otherwise it'll be fully out in June, with an higher price.) It’s a huge update with many new features, like previewing effects in edit mode, new effects, typewriters and much more. Read more by going here and start using 2.X right away without waiting. Cheers!📝 Documentation: learn everthing about Text Animator and feel comfortable even before getting it. 📺 Showcase: watch the first episodes of "Games using Text Animator for Unity", and submit yours for future ones.👍🏻 Requirements: read its requirements and learn exactly what you can do.📧 Contact me: for any question or support request.Features:Quick to set up (as fast as adding two components).Create your own effects from the Inspector or C#.15+ built-in effects ready to use.Supports multiple effects, stackable on the same letters.Requires TextMeshPro *, supporting its emotes, alignments and custom fonts.Show and hide the text dynamically (like a typewriter), with different appearance and disappearance effects, from any direction and with custom speeds.Call Events from text and perform any action.Supports external Dialogue Systems and Plugins (some already integrated!).Short, detailed and easy to read Documentation.*30 TextMeshPro's tags are compatible. Read the limitations page for more.Supports many platforms, like:Desktop (Windows, iMac)Console (including Nintendo Switch, XBOX and PlayStation)Mobile (including iOs and Android)WebGL (e.g. when uploading on Itch.io)Including IL2CPP platformsIntegrations:Dialogue System for UnityPlayMakerYarn SpinnerNaninovel (partial)InkUnity Visual Scripting (formerly "Bolt")You can also integrate your own Dialogue Systems and Plugins! (some are already planned in the future!). Take a look at the documentation for more.Typewriter:Show and hide text dynamically with multiple appearance effects.Trigger events when a word/letter has been shown.Play sounds for each letter.Waits multiple pauses for specific characters (like puntuactions).Via tags, waits for X seconds or for player input.Increase or decrease its speed while typing.Skip the typewriter and show the entire text on player input.For Programmers:Includes C# Source code.Extra:Public Roadmap availableMultiple Example scenes for each use caseHave fun!