Lightweight 2D platformer template.
WebGL Demo
This template is perfect if you are looking to quick-start a new platformer project. Ideal for developers that need a simple code base they can easily customize.
-Player movement and controls.
-Smooth camera following player.
-Move, Jump, Crouch, Climb, Die.
-Raycast collisions.
-Tilemap platforms.
-Parallax background.
-Enemy behaviors x4 (Walk follow, walk patrol, fly follow, fly patrol).
-Ladders and boxes.
-Doors, keys, levers, foot-switches.
-Health bar (bar or icons).
-Player carrying items
-Dialogue System (with choice selection, conditions, and quests).
-Level transition
-Collectibles (lives and coins)
-Save system (load and save to a file).
-Simple scripts, code easy to edit.
Made by: Indie Marc
Freelance Game Dev