Unity3d's asset bundle system is easier than ever, but it still has a lot of rough edges. These utilities wrap the new system to help make it bulletproof for the real world of games and applications. Why spend a week figuring it all out when you could just import this in an hour?
This plugin provides an optimized, battle hardened Asset Bundle manager for
loading assets, and tools to make it easier to build the bundles.
Well documented!
Well supported!
Get started today!
Download and use your bundles with confidence.
This is an asset bundle loader that takes care of the details for you, making sure you get exactly what you expect, exactly when you need it. This loader deals with the real world, like retries for those intermittent network failures.
Getting an asset template is simple as one line of code, we take care of the rest.
You can even tell it to get something downloaded before you need it without actually using extra memory to load it.