Need a place to keep all the crooks you police? Populate your world with a proper police station with holding cells, interrogation, lineup, briefing rooms, locker, gym and so much more!This asset pack uses optional Build-In Unity dependencies.• Post Processing: Improves cameras visuals• ProGrids: Allows snapping of modular meshes in the build Build Kit folder• Setting Manager: Settings interface for ProGridsClick here to download a playable demoFollow me on InstagramThis package contains over 360 prefabs to populate your police department as you see fit. There are two scenes showcasing a small and a larger police department.The modular build-kit that contains interior and exterior textures so you can build your own building. Scripts and animations are included for all windows, doors and drawers.Modular Build Kit(Built Kit Contains various modular prefabs for each texture that allow the developer to create seamless walls, floors roofs and ceiling, quickly build structures with the assistance of Progrids)Over 130 Modular Interior and Exterior Pieces• Walls• Floors• Ceiling• Glass Walls• Metal, Wooden Glass Doors• Stairs• Sliding Door• Windows• Cubical Dividers• Pillars• Trims and Edges• Queue• Jail DoorOver 70 Furniture Pieces• Seating• Tables• Shelves• Kitchen Cabinets• Lockers• Showers• Lamps• Gym Equipment• Drawers• Jail FurnishingOver 110 Props• Camera Equipment• Donuts• Door Signs• Computer Equipment• Monitors• Police Equipment• Office Equipment• Gear• Contraband• Weapons• Security Equipment• and much moreSuggestions are welcomed, email us ideas for future updates or if you have any questions.