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Asset list
Cyberpunk themed ambient environment sounds: 232 unique sound waves forming 239 cues
Over 230 ambient sounds and vocalisations including looping rain, wind, and city layers for day and night, different densities of traffic, distant vehicle fly-bys, marketplace chatter, and other city and market sounds. Thunder, water drops, fountains, rustling bushes, and cooking sounds complete the pack. Includes five 8 minute tracks combining ambient and weather sounds.
167 modular character vocalisations: human, alien, droid
Modular character syllables based on Japanese hiragana allows you to create words and sentences from scratch and generate random syllable streams for a set number of syllables or a given period of time. Include spoken dialogue without needing actors! Includes deaths and injury exclamations.
Part of the Valkyrie Sound Cyberpunk City Sound Pack
Also available on the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/sound-fx/cyberpunk-city-sound-pack-154934