This UI element, also known as a Placement Indicator, is the only one of its kind on Unity Asset Store! Use this as a marker to preview where you want to spawn an object.
You can use this in AR as well as 2D or 3D Scenes! Take a look at the usage video and the demo scene to explore more.
Usage Instructions
Instantiate the UI prefab or drag & drop it in the scene. It will be invisible at first. To activate the UI, call its ActiavateAt method with a position and normal vector (same as up vector). This will place the guide UI object. This method can be called however frequently one wishes. To deactivate, call the Deactivate method. If you added it to the scene, you can tweak options in the inspector window.
Usage instruction video
1. Displacement
2. Scale
3. Rotation Duration
4. Damping Factor
5. Color and Opacity
6. Dis/Appearance Animation
7. Animation Duration
Displacement is useful for when you want the UI element to be slightly above ground so that the texture doesn't overlap.
Size of placement UI image. In AR space, the unit is meters.
Rotation Duration
How long it takes for the UI to make a full turn in seconds. If set to zero, it will not rotate at all.
Damping Factor
How sticky the UI is to its previous position. If set to a value close to zero, it is not sticky at all and is jumpy. If set close to one, it is very sticky and takes a bit of time to relocate.
Color and Opacity
You can change the color and opacity of the UI.
Dis/Appearance Animation
Designate a fade in animation and/or size up animation when the UI appears; designate a fade out animation and/or size down animation when the UI disappears.
Animation Duration
The duration of the each animation in seconds.
Version 1.0 (December 9, 2019)
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