This asset has realistic GOAT FAMILY models.
All models has 4 levels of LOD
- 8500 - 9500 tris;
- 6000 - 6500 tris;
- 3000 - 3500 tris;
- 1500 - 1700 tris;
There is a version for mobile phones with 1500 -1700 triangles.
Texture maps - albedo, metallic / roughness, normal map (all 4k).
48 animations (IP/RM):
Agression, attack 1-3, attack run, hit front, hit back, hit middle, death 1-2, idle 1-3, eat, drink, lie, sleep, fall down, fall high, fall low, fall landing, walk (f-b-l-r), trot (f-l-r), run (f-l-r), swim (f-b-l-r), jump, jump run, jump forward, etc.
The animator controller is made in a primitive form, there is only movement on a plane without controlling the height and bends of the plane.
Also included in the asset is a simple camera rotation script.
If you have questions, then write to the mail: