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From cardboard buddies we pretend to give the best VR packages to our customers with simplicity and transparency.
This package allows the user to create an advanced Quiz game with interactive buttons as shown in the video. This package also includes the Easy Curved Menu that implements a curved canvas used to show the scoreboard (left), the quiz (center) and the timer (right). In addition, this package includes the ”circle trigger” package, that allows the developer to create a loading bar when focusing on a button.
When the player focuses on a button, a selector appears on the correct answer. Score is updated in function of the correct and incorrect answers.
The questions, answers, sprites and gameobejcts shown in the quiz are read using “*.txt” files, which makes the quiz modifications extremely easy.
The asset contains the necessary models, textures and prefabs shown in the video.
For further information please contact michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.