10 high quality Chairs and 10 tables for real time rendering videos and virtual reality presentations. The 3D models have been tested with HTC Vive and work perfectly. The Lightmaps are very neat..
For more information, contact:
email: dujovnyalvaro@gmail.com
Technical Information:
SM_Bottle_001: 830
SM_Chair_001_A: 1216
SM_Chair_001_B: 1216
SM_Chair_002_A: 11640
SM_Chair_002_B: 6082
SM_Chair_003: 6583
SM_Chair_004: 2459
SM_Chair_005: 13654
SM_Chair_006 2310
SM_Chair_006_A: 2310
SM_Chair_007: 4886
SM_Chair_008: 3318
SM_Chair_009: 8363
SM_Chair_010_A: 16299
SM_Chair_010_B: 9658
SM_Cup_001: 439
SM_Cup_002: 613
SM_CupPlate_001: 408
SM_DecoStones_001: 228
SM_FlowerPot_002: 599
SM_FlowerPot_003: 599
SM_Flowers_001: 6300
SM_Kitchen_001: 1387
SM_Kitchen_Glass_005: 324
SM_Kitchen_Glass_007: 329
SM_Kitchen_Glass_009: 329
SM_Kitchen_Glass_011: 329
SM_Kitchen_Glass_013: 329
SM_Orange: 386
SM_Peach: 322
SM_Pear: 306
SM_Plant_001: 3201
SM_Plant_002: 1502
SM_Plant_003: 568
SM_Plant_004: 500
SM_Table_001_A: 7416
SM_Table_002_A: 11640
SM_Table_003_A: 981
SM_Table_004_A: 1840
SM_Table_005: 543
SM_Table_006: 2180
SM_Table_007: 2110
SM_Table_008: 3262
SM_Table_009: 1028
SM_Table_010: 1206
SM_TableCover_001: 100
SM_Umbrella_001: 6819
SM_Umbrella_002: 6382
SM_Wine_Bottle_2: 715
SM_WoodBase_001: 224
- VR ready (HTC Vive Tested)
Texture Sizes:
PC: 512 to 4096
Collision: Box collision
Number of Meshes: 74
Number of Materials: 111 Materials
Number of Textures: 151
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC - VR -