The Long-horn pig spirit is a UV mapped , rigged, and animated 3d creature.
It uses Unity's generic rig, and comes with its own animations. It would be a good fit for a fantasy game.The long-horn pig spirit is a large pig-like creature with long horns and tusks. He comes in three variants. A light pink, blue-gray, and dark brown colors.Modelspigspirit_PBR.fbxpigSpirit_legacy.fbxPrefabs3 PBR variants3 legacy variants2 particle effects4 Levels of DetailpigSpirit_PBRLOD012,938 trisLOD15,410 trisLOD22,800 trisLOD3 1,378 trispigSpirit_legacyLOD08,266 trisLOD15,410 trisLOD22,800 trisLOD3 1,378 trisTextures (2048 x 2048)3 color variantsAmbient OcclusionMetal/SmoothnessNormal Map3 legacy color variants with specular in alpha channelOther Textures2 Particle TexturesMaterials3 PBR materials3 Legacy materials3 particle materialsAnimations17 Animations with root control "_RM".13 Animations without root control for scripted motion "_legacy"8 In-place animations eg. idle.