Desks and decoration for modern interior design. Each desk includes an option of different dimensions and an option with the decoration applied.
For more information, contact:
email: dujovnyalvaro@gmail.com
Technical Information:
SM_Ball_001: 1962
SM_Ball_002: 1440
SM_Ball_003: 6206
SM_Carpet_001: 2397
SM_Carpet_002: 1026
SM_Carpet_003: 739
SM_Book_001: 536
SM_Book_002: 536
SM_Book_003: 536
SM_Book_004: 536
SM_Book_005: 536
SM_Book_006: 536
SM_Book_007: 536
SM_Book_008: 536
SM_Deco_002: 1824
SM_Decol_001: 632
SM_Desk_001: 778
SM_Desk_001_A: 670
SM_Desk_002: 884
SM_Desk_002_A: 852
SM_Desk_003: 2887
SM_Desk_003_A: 2391
SM_Desk_004: 2248
SM_Desk_004_A: 2264
SM_Desk_005: 988
SM_Desk_005_A: 988
SM_Desk_006: 852
SM_Desk_006_A: 744
SM_Desk_007: 1455
SM_Desk_007_A: 1465
SM_Desk_008: 1820
SM_Desk_008_A: 1820
SM_Lamp_001: 3998
SM_Magazine_001: 411
SM_Magazine_002: 903
SM_Mirror_001: 956
SM_Picture_001: 56
SM_Picture_002: 56
SM_Picture_003: 56
SM_Plant_001: 489
SM_Plant_002: 150
SM_Plant_003: 4320
SM_Flowerpot_001: 1386
SM_Flowerpot_002: 451
SM_Flowerpot_003: 451
SM_Flowerpot_004: 2835
SM_Flowerpot_005: 703
SM_Flowerpot_006: 656
SM_Flowerpot_007: 594
SM_Flowerpot_008: 609
SM_Flowerpot_009: 656
SM_Flowerpot_010: 679
SM_Flowerpot_011: 543
SM_Flowerpot_012: 686
SM_Flowerpot_013: 594
SM_Flowerpot_014: 526
SM_Flowerpot_015: 485
SM_Flowerpot_017: 672
SM_Flowerpot_018: 4881
SM_Flowerpot_019: 1164
SM_Flowerpot_020: 1254
SM_RoofLight: 628
SM_TV_001: 262
- VR ready (HTC Vive Tested)
Texture Sizes:
PC: 512 to 4096
Collision: Box collision
Number of Meshes: 74
Number of Materials: 111 Materials
Number of Textures: 151
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC - VR -