Arcade Vehicle Controller (AVC) is a simple controller asset allowing you to quickly and easily create many types of land vehicles. EG: Cars, Motorbikes (Bikes), great for arcade racing games[WebGL Demo][Online Docs]Mobile Demos: [Android]New in v1.5- Vehicle audio solution for engine start, engine running, engine stop, drifting and collisions- Collision Manager- Collision effects. Easily added particle effects for collisions.- Drift settings are now a ScriptableObject- Engine start/ stop- Tight/ loose ground follow optionArcade Vehicle Controller (AVC) is a simple vehicle controller asset allowing you to create any type of vehicle – car, hover car, motorbike, boat. The customizable arcade-y feel to the vehicles gives a fun, satisfying, player experience to your vehicles.Included is a Vehicle Builder editor window, which allows you to setup a new vehicle in seconds! Just link the required objects and fill in the details, press a button and you’ve got your new vehicle!AVC is perfect for your racer, quickly and easily setup variations of your racing cars with the car prefab builder and vehicle settings.Included Demo Vehicles- Car- Hover Car- Motorbike- Motorbike with side car- Boat- Truck with 6 wheelsThe values for a vehicle (speed, turning, drifting, etc.) are saved in a ScriptableObject, meaning you can re-use the same values for hundreds of different vehicles, and only have to tweak them in 1 place.Also included, are examples of how to interact with the vehicle controller for player input and AISupport available on the forum- Prefab builder- Vehicle controller (for cars, motorbikes (bikes), hover cars, simple boats, trucks)- Trail effects- Audio component for engine, drifting and collisions- Collision effects- Ground follow: keep the drone/ helicopter at the same height from the ground as it moves- Point and click movement, for Desert Strike style (camera view) gamesUnity PackagesThe demo scenes require some of Unity's packages to work. When importing AVC a prompt will be displayed asking for you to confirm the import for the following packages:- TextMesh Pro- Cinemachine