Important!!!!Due to the release of Advanced Culling System 2, this version will stop being updated and will soon be deprecated.You can still continue to use it and it may be useful to you. There is simply nothing more to update for this version, it has reached its maximum of the ideas that were put into it.Advanced Culling System - it’s a bundle of tools for optimizing Your games.The main idea is hiding objects that not visible by the camera. For example, these objects may be overlapped by one large object or by many small objects.In the description, you can find links on videos demonstrating how this tool works. For example, comparisons of Occlusion Culling and Advanced Culling System-----------------------------------------------Unity Forum | Discord Server | WebsiteExamplesOcclusion Culling(Windows)Static Culling(Windows)DynamicCulling(Android)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Features :*Powered by C# Job System and Burst Compiler*HDRP support*Easy setup*Culling static objects*Culling dynamic objects*All platforms support by Chunks Master*All platforms support by Static Culling*Platforms support by Dynamic Culling : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Xbox One, PS4, Android (ARM v7 and v8+), iOS (ARM v7 and v8+)*Shadows casting and receiving support*Multiple sub-meshes support*Documented API-----------------------------------------------If you have any questions, you can freely contact me at any time by e-mail : andre-orsk@yandex.ruAlso, I will be very grateful if You leave a review in the Asset Store about Your impressions of use. It's really important for me :)Have a nice day :)