Webpage | Forum | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | PatreonSupport: thelghome@gmail.comyou may preview it before buying: Demo(WebGL2.0) | DemoGame(WebGL2.0)FM COLOR is a full-screen image post processing effect that provides you an easy option to enhance your 3D scenes!Let's make your game art with ease ;)[New!] Updates: Supported Single pass stereo rendering(experimental)[New!] CHECT IT OUT our upgradable package FM Polygon Japan[New!] Render Pipeline support- Experiment feature for URP & HDRP- Core Effects are supported except Fog, Fresnel & Outline[New!] Render Mode- Simplified options in 3 modes: FULL, FAST, URPFeatures:- 90+ LUT Templates (customised LUT supported)- Basic HSB- Oil Paint Effect- Pixel Art- Fresnel Effect- Fog Effect- Grain Effect- Vignette Effect- Outline- FXAA- Lovely Demo Room is included- FMColorFast (Light-Weight version for low-end mobile, without Depth related effects)Device Test Reference:# iPhone 6s: 60+ fps (stable)# iPhone XS: 60+ fps (stable)# Google Pixel 2: 60+ fps (Paint Effect: ~30+fps, (Paint FX in URP) ~50+fps)# Oculus GO: 40+ fps (FMColorFast: 45+ fps, Paint Effect: ~25+fps)*Please be noted that full screen paint effect may affect performance in low-end devices. You may consider FM POINTS for 3D Paint Brush & Point Cloud visualisation style, which use a light-weight rendering solution, can even run on iPhone 5(via WebGL mobile web browser) Youtube Demo*Tested platforms: iOS / Android / Mac / PC / VR Headset / Oculus GO / WebGL2.0Minimum Graphic API: OpenGLES3(or above) / Metal