Palette Modifier is an editor extension that allows you to modify, directly inside Unity the colors of a texture atlas used by Low Poly models.Palette Modifier is an easy to use tool that can turn hours of work into minutes by eliminating the need to import/export a flat color texture to/from Photoshop.Support and Social Media LinksForum | Discord | Twitter | DocMain Features:- UV Inspector.- Per object colors.- Color highlight.- Break color sharing.- Color gradient.- Texture pattern tint.- Per object texture save.- Save modified texture as new texture.- Non destructive workflow.- Color groups.- Reset single color to its original value.- Reset palette colors to their original values.- Reorderable list of colors.- Foldable list of colors.Other Assets by Nicrom- Nature - 3D environment art pack that blends the Low Poly art style with the Stylized art style, allowing you to create unique looking game worlds.- Medieval Village - Collection of modular low poly houses that can be used to create medieval or fantasy villages.Third party assets used in the promotional materials:POLYGON - Knights PackPOLYGON - Western PackPer Object ColorsPalette Modifier displays in the inspector only the texture colors that are used by the selected object.Color HighlightThe color selected in the inspector is highlighted. This makes it easy for you to know where this particular color is used on the object.Break Color SharingPalette Modifier creates a copy of the objects mesh. Moves the UVs of the copy to a region of the texture that is unused by other models then saves the new mesh to HDD. The original mesh remains unchanged.Color GradientA color gradient can be applied to a range of colors.Texture Pattern TintPalette Modifier allows you to apply a color tint to segments of the texture atlas that have texture patterns on them.Per Object Texture SaveThe ability to save only the color changes for only a single object.