A selection of seasonal melodies from the public domain in original, stylistically diverse orchestrations, interspersed with original melodic material to complement and contrast. These tracks are perfect for any project with a festive or wintery setting. Alternative versions in mono and stereo for each track are included for flexibility in-engine. Tracks incorporate a blend of software instrumentation and live recordings. All tracks are presented in 24-bit/48kHz .wav
1. "Ding Dong Merrily on High" (trad. England) (4:34)
A symphonic ballad style that gradually builds in layers, featuring a hand bell recorded live.
2. "O Tannenbaum" (trad. Germany) (4:17)
In a calming New-age genre reminiscent of a lullaby or reverie, featuring cello and bass guitar recorded live.
3. "In the Bleak Midwinter" (trad. England) (4:59)
An evolving symphonic orchestration that blends orchestral instrumentation with synthesizer parts and electric piano, with live cello and Celtic harp layers.
4. "Silent Night" (trad. Germany) (4:14)
1990s/2000s style electronic track, in fact quite the juxtaposition from the traditional version, with live electric guitar.
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