Babel Translation Toolkit, for Unity.
Quickly extract translatable text from your Unity project and export them to standardized csv format for quick translations.Advanced features & options✓ Extract text from all scenes in your build with the touch of a button✓ Extract and translate text from custom scripts automatically.✓ Allow users to translate to any provided language at any time.✓ Use google translate to automatically fill in large translation tables.✓ Translate string constants in custom scripting with minimal effort.✓ Extensive customization options for translating complicated projects.--------------------------------------------------------Compatibilty and requirements● Babel translation toolkit does not automatically provide translations. You can however quickly fill in translations using google translate and edit them afterwards.● Babel can automatically find any text occuring in your scenes, whether as variables occuring in (custom) scripts or in default Unity components. It cannot automatically extract text from assets, nor string constants baked into custom code.● Babel has been tested extensively using only the standard Unity UI, but should be compatible with most setups.● Automated text search can be heavy, but is rarely necessary at run time. Performance can be an issue only DURING translating for projects that have complicated interactions with text (e.g. Instantiating new custom scripts with string variables that require translation etc.). Memory requirements are low, and do not fundamentally exceed the requirements to store the translations and the string variables that contain them.