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Asset list
Cyberpunk themed weapon inventory
Projectile pistol, rifle and shotgun - with 3 variants and individual reload. Energy pistol, rifle, and shotgun - with 3 variants and individual reload. Projectile and energy travel sound. Ammo casing sounds for bullets and cartridges. Short and long blade swings, sheathing and thrown blade effects. Grenade throw, physics ding, charging, gas and EMP discharges, small/medium/large explosions, and debris. Pick up and drop sounds.
Separate heads and tails for full design control
Assets split into heads and tails so fully automatic fire is easily achieved and you gain more control over sounds.
Weapon interaction assets
Attachment effects for screwing, sliding, slotting, and removing. Weapon User Interface effects for target acquired, lock, confirmed, and cancelled. Zoom in and out effects (repeat this for desired duration).
Part of the Valkyrie Sound Cyberpunk City Sound Pack
Also available on the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/sound-fx/cyberpunk-city-sound-pack-154934