The Low Down
Use Photoshop style blend modes to blend an image against a background using Shader Graph and LWRP!
+Hard Light
+Hard Mix
+Linear Burn
+Linear Dodge
+Linear Light
+Pin Light
+Soft Light
+Vivid Light
Setup & Requirements
- Requires LWRP (Light Weight Render Pipeline)
or UWP (Universal Render Pipeline)
- Requires Opaque Texture (A Checkbox in the pipeline settings)
- For UI: Requires "Screen Space - Camera" or "World Space"
LWRP is still fairly new and there are some limitations including:
- No stacked Blending (This means you can have one image blended against a background, but blended shaders won't blend against eachother.)
- Does not support HDRP, or the old unity rendering pior to SRP
- For UI: Does not support "Screen Space - Overlay"
As LWRP and UWP mature, we are looking forward to adding new features, if you have questions please contact us.