Easy APP LauncherEasy APP LauncherYou must have encountered in the development of unity app, you need to open other apps in your app (youtube, twitter, instagram, skype, facebook, wechat, etc.), using this tool, you can just write a single line of code to get what you want, you don't have to worry about Android native language, or IOS native language, or the configuration of Xcode project, all you need is to import the plugin, And then add a single line of code, that's it. let you easily launch other apps from your own unity game or app, regardless of any native code.Main features:1. This plugin can launch other apps easily from your unity game or app2. Absolutely cross-platform, perfect for both IOS and Android platforms3. Extremely simple, just one line simple code, you can pass the appropriate parameters, no need to write any native code, no need to modify any configuration of xcode4. Complete and detailed documentation to teach you how to use,And there is a demo scene help you to understand.5. The plugin is small and easy to integrate6. Cheap priceIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.sgzxzj13@163.com