Best Japanese-Style Music Collection
Powerful and emotional music which are used Japanese traditional instruments, Shakuhachi, Koto, and Shamisen. This perfectly fits for battles, emotional scenes and trailer films. There are many genres of music.
In this package you'll find 1 vocal track and 20 instrumental tracks.
All of the wav tracks are available as high quality 16 bit, and high quality re-mastered for using in games.
And, this pack includes ogg seamless loop with all music tracks.
A preview of each main track is available on Soundcloud.
01. Kunoichi Ninja Beat
02. Jinrai Houto Rambu
03. Hoshitsubu ga huru yoru
04. WELCOMEB4CK Japanese Edition
05. Breakthrough
06. Suikyo
07. The wind and sea
08. Asian New Paradise
09. Kiyoku Yawaragi
10. Ancient White
11.Japanese Hacks
12. Koto An Old City
13. Gentle Breeze
14. Raindrops
15. Away from the moment
16. Cooler Ninjari Ninjarous
17. Kirinoasa
18. Shiokaze
19. Niji no Zanei
20. Lilac
21. Natsu no koi
Produced by ISAo.
尺八、三味線、琴などの日本の伝統的な楽器を取り入れ、力強く、感情的なメロディを奏でるミュージックセットです。 和風ゲームの戦闘シーン、印象的なシーン、その他映像の予告トレイラーやオープニングタイトルなどに使用できます。
全てのトラックに対して44.1kHz 16bitのWAV、ループ処理を施したOGGファイルが含まれています。
01. Kunoichi Ninja Beat
02. Jinrai Houto Rambu
03. Hoshitsubu ga huru yoru
04. WELCOMEB4CK Japanese Edition
05. Breakthrough
06. Suikyo
07. The wind and sea
08. Asian New Paradise
09. Kiyoku Yawaragi
10. Ancient White
11.Japanese Hacks
12. Koto An Old City
13. Gentle Breeze
14. Raindrops
15. Away from the moment
16. Cooler Ninjari Ninjarous
17. Kirinoasa
18. Shiokaze
19. Niji no Zanei
20. Lilac
21. Natsu no koi
Produced by ISAo.