The Energy Explosion Framework is a system for easily and conveniently creating spectacular explosions in your game!
Explosions have different visual and sound effects and different behavior. From the usual big bang, scattering objects that fell into the affected area, to a sci-fi energy explosion, after which there is a collapse, pulling all the objects that fell into the affected area to the explosion point.
There are 3 modes of explosions available:
Explosions through raycast - the explosion occurs at the point at which the mouse was clicked;
Falling balls - the sphere appears at the place of clicking with the mouse and under the influence of gravity falls down, exploding when it touches the floor or after the timer ends;
Shooting with explosive balls - the ball shoots from the camera position in the direction indicated by the mouse cursor and explodes when touched with objects or by timer.
The timer can be turned on and off, started when spawning a sphere, or when hitting an object. And you can also set the timer time.
The following types of explosions are available in the framework:
Big Explosion - A powerful explosion with a strong blast wave, scattering objects over a long distance.
Dust Explosion - A light explosion without fire, leaving no traces of an explosion on the surface and having a weak blast wave.
Energy Explosion - A cool energy explosion, leaving behind a collapsing point, pulling nearby objects.
Plasma Explosion - Plasma explosion that repels and imposes a damage effect in the form of electrical impulses on the affected objects.
Small Explosion - A small fire explosion.
Tiny Explosion - A toy explosion with a small blast wave and an interesting visual effect.
Explosions leave decals on the surface near the explosion at any angle. The surface must be marked with a specific, pre-selected layer.
All explosions are available in the form of customizable prefabs, which can be easily customized in the editor, visually edit the radius of the explosion and set the strength, type and time of the explosion, as well as change the visual effect. This framework is expandable and, if necessary, you can easily supplement it with your own types of explosions with non-standard behavior, simply inheriting from the Exploder base class and adding the changed behavior. The scripts contain comments to facilitate the development.
The visual effects used in this framework are presented for demonstration! They were taken from the Unity Particle Pack, slightly modified, behavior scripts programmed, and added sounds found on freesound.org and mixed in Audacity.
In case of problems or suggestions - contact me and I will answer you!
Enjoy your explosions in your projects!