Compiling Indicator shows the progress of assembly compilations and reloading and it self-learns and shows estimated time.DOCUMENTATION • FORUM • DISCORD • SUPPORT • UNITY ASSET STORE • TWITTERIMPORTANT NOTICEThis is the last update of Compiling Indicator. Compiling indicator will be deprecated in a month.WAIT RELAXEDThe Compiling Indicator is a small notification window that pops up when the Unity Editor starts a compilation. It shows you the progress of the compilation and the estimated time of completion. And you can find what assembly takes the most of your project’s compilation time.SETTINGSYou can open the settings window by selecting the Window / Using Theirs / Compiling Indicator Settings menu.Popup Mode – In popup mode, the Compiling Indicator window will automatically close when it loses focus. And the window tries to get focus whenever the phase changes. So if you have a problem related to focusing disable this and close the window manually. Press ‘Esc’ or click ‘X’ icon to close the window.Log Details – Log the elapsed times of assembly compilations and reloading in the Console window.HOW IT WORKSThe Compiling Indicator learns the compilation times of your project. So, its estimation will be getting correct as it experiences more compilation. All you have to do is to wait until the Compiling Indicator learns enough information. Or, to reset the learned information, you can click the Clear Database button.COMPATIBILITY● Minimum Supported Version is Unity 2019.4MORE ASSETS● Kinds (Pro) - Fastest Explorer Ever● Remote Inspector (Pro) - Easy Remote Debugging● Shader HotSwap - Remote Shader Debugging● Compiling Indicator - Wait Relaxed● Which GIT Branch?● Which SVN Branch?COMMUNITYJoin us on our Discord server for and quick answers!