20 stones of river to use in scenarios of mountain, river and rocky landscapes. All the stones have been created with photogrametry.
For more information, contact:
email: dujovnyalvaro@gmail.com
Technical Information:
PC version:
SM_RiverRock_001: 4122
SM_RiverRock_002: 3958
SM_RiverRock_003: 6530
SM_RiverRock_004: 3126
SM_RiverRock_005: 4117
SM_RiverRock_006: 5757
SM_RiverRock_007: 3066
SM_RiverRock_008: 3055
SM_RiverRock_009: 2701
SM_RiverRock_010: 1349
SM_RiverRock_011: 2155
SM_RiverRock_012: 2587
SM_RiverRock_013: 2658
SM_RiverRock_014: 3823
SM_RiverRock_015: 2075
SM_RiverRock_016: 4576
SM_RiverRock_017: 4512
SM_RiverRock_018: 3133
SM_RiverRock_019: 3938
SM_RiverRock_020: 2096
- Photoscanned textures.
- PBR Materials
- VR ready (HTC Vive Tested)
Texture Sizes:
PC: 512 to 4096
Collision: Mesh collision
Number of Meshes: 20
Number of Materials: 20 Materials
Number of Textures: 80
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC - VR