The 3rd Person Camera Toolkit can be dropped into a new project, and provides a framework for a 3rd person (or 1st person) player experience. It includes a simple yet versatile character controller, a camera manager, and a number of other features which are very commonly used in a 3d game, but may not be easy to find all in one asset.
This toolkit contains a character controller with physics-based movement and non root-motion animation, and a scripted camera with multiple perspective options including::
-RPG style 3rd person camera mode - camera follows character during moving, and orbits character when not moving.:
- Camera avoids obstacles and will dynamically adjust its position to avoid clipping.:
-Camera distance from the character is adjustable with mouse wheel.
-1st person camera mode can be toggled on or off
-Over-shoulder perspective can be toggled on or off
-Zoomed in or out with one button
-Scripts for making proper camera adjustments when sitting in chairs or operating workstations or vehicles.
-The main camera can be decoupled, allowing camera-swapping to remote camera or drone.
Additional features
-Platform/elevator script which makes the player inherit motion properly instead of sliding off moving objects.
-Controller is model-agnostic - the player model can be instantiated or swapped at runtime, allowing for character selection, or character transformations.
-Menu mode: the cursor is hidden and confined during movement, but is visible and can interact with UI elements when menu mode is toggled on. Menu mode also disables rotation and movement.
-Customizable crosshairs.
Details on how to set up and use this asset are included in the manual, and an example scene is provided where all features can be tested.
Note: there are no features or conventions in this kit which could not be run in Unity 3d Version 5.x. The version listed here is the version this project was built in, not a restriction.