This tools help you to generate random level maps for your game. It operates in term of rooms (locations where something interesting may happen) and roads (which connects rooms). Originally it was used as dungeon map generating. Scripts generate a level by its description: number of rooms, max columns and rows.
It also renders the result in two possible ways: as tilemap (you should provide tiles for road and room) and as UI-element.
Tilemap producing approach may be useful if you need to render level on mini-map. That example is added to package.
UI-rendering creates a level on selected panel (automatically sizes rooms and roads to fit panel size) from prepared prefabs. Common case is use buttons (with image) as room prefab and image as road prefab. As result it allows you to interact with that level by clicking on rooms for example.
More information you can find here
About Unity version: was created and tested on 2019.2 but it does not mean that package unavailable on previous versions