This package provides you 12 mobile tools to set up your mobile game.
1- Notification system: Sample notifications for android and ios, with customizable icons.
2- Camera and gallery: Display of the device camera into the game, this feature can recognize the color of the camera display.
The user can take photos and share it, the photos will be saved automatically.
3- Sound: It can record sound from the device microphone and play it, includes device vibration too.
4- System info: Displays in the screen information about the sysem and device features like:
--CPU and GPU names, id numbers......
--Battery and memory status
--System name, type, language
--FPS counter
5- Binary converter: Converts normal text into binary code, that can be copied in the device clipboard
6- Clock and time counter: Sample clock that displays the current time, date and time zone.
The time counter can count laps.
7- Share: Allows the user to share an url or a screenshot
Note: Share system will not work on ios
8- Device speed: Shows the current device speed in meters per second in the screen. It can get the maximum speed reached by the device.
9- Location: Gets the current location of the device in 3 values, longitude, latitude and altitude.
With the acuraccy in meters too.
10- Scene load screen: Screen with a circle, bar and text that shows the progress of the scene that is being loaded.
11- Accelerometer: Circle in the center of the screen that moves when the device tilts.
12- Unit converter: Converts longitude, mass, speed, area or volume units.