Platanus occidentalis,commonly known as the American Sycamore,american planetree,occidental plane,and buttonwood,is one of the species of Platanus native to North America. It’s easily recognized by its multicolored peeling bark that goes from a rough to smooth white. It’s often sparse in branches with the leaves growing in an alternate pattern around the branch. The leaves are three to five-lobed and very large.
8 models (.SPM) in hero and desktop resolutions
16 drop-in-ready exports in the spring and fall seasons.
American Sycamore Field (Desktop)
American Sycamore Forest (Desktop)
American Sycamore Field (Hero)
American Sycamore Forest (Hero)
American Sycamore Sapling 1
American Sycamore Sapling 2
American Sycamore Sapling 3
American Sycamore Seedling
SPM files include:
– Unlimited seasonal variations
– Randomization
– A full set of PBR leaf and bark textures (2k leaf textures, 4k leaf cluster textures and 4k bark textures)
– A tuned wind animation, defined LOD settings, and
multiple cluster (.SPM) files of the branches for editing.
(Scalable wind effects not currently compatible with Unity HDRP)
REQUIREMENTS: Unity 2019.2.3+
For the full power of SpeedTree v8 with seasonal and structural variations, this product requires the SpeedTree Modeler to export. Available as free export-only license or subscription license at $19 USD/month.
User License:
Use of this product is subject to the terms of the SpeedTree Model Library Component End User License Agreement