Unity UIElements Expansions is an asset series that extends Unity's UIElements.
This asset primarily adds the following features to the UnityEditor:
1. Global Style Sheet
The CSS that the USS file is based on is basically used by writing something common in the header of the web page。
“Global Style Sheet” is a function that can use USS as a common style file.
2. Inspector design automatic assignment function
Before UIElements appeared, you had to write an editor script to change the design and placement of the inspector.
With the advent of UXML, you can now write these designs as if you were writing HTML.
However, in order to apply this and style sheets, it is necessary to create a short editor script.
This asset eliminates the hassle.
If you place a uxml file with the same name as the class you want to apply in the Assets folder (anywhere), the uxml file is automatically applied to the Inspector.
Furthermore, if you place a uss file with the same name as the class to be applied to the Assets folder, the uss file can be applied only to the inspector of that component.
In addition to components that inherit MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject, you can also create your own classes with the [System.Serializable] attribute.
3. Reorderable List
Have you ever wanted to add / delete or change the order easily when you want to edit an array or a list like List on the Inspector?
There is a Reorderable List that can be used with IMGUI, but it was necessary to write a difficult script.
This makes it easy to use in UIElements.
You can add, delete, and reorder serialized array elements or lists.
Of course, USS can be applied, so the design can be changed freely.
Usage is the same as other uxml tags.Just write like this ()
This will expand the ReorderableList of serialized list fields.
4. UIElements Expansions Common Features
In addition to the above, common useful tags and functions are provided.
Please see the following page for details.
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