Easily save any type of data, from variables to complex custom data objects. This robust save system can be used for literally any game type, is beginner-friendly, and supports a variety of saving techniques.
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-SQLite Databases
**Dynamically create and manage SQLite databases and tables.
-XML Datastores
**Dynamically create and manage XML Datastores.
-Binary Serialisation
**Dynamically save and load anything, from simple variables to custom data objects, to/from files.
-Extensive documentation
**Can be found in the asset folder.
I/O is Also Beginner Friendly!
I/O has powerful custom Editor and Inspector controls to help with most programming issues.
**Datastore Creator to help create and manage SQLite and XML datastores at design time.
**Type Creator to help create Data Types (with variables, properties and constructors) at design time.
**Save Manager script with a custom inspector to help set up the save system for beginners.
With all these powerful features, beginners can use the Save System while barely touching any code.
Well what are you waiting for? Choose I/O!
-Coming Soon: