Unity Editor v.2018.3.5f1
ARcore v1.12.0
This package allows the developer to create a full operational TOWER defense game using Augmented Reality (AR). Enemies appear at different waves rates (red zone in the map) and try to attack the user’s base (blue zone in the map). The player can create and update towers in order to defend his base. Resources are used to build the towers and are earned when tanks are destroyed. The difficulty of the game increases over time too.
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Follow this process to make the package work:
1. Import ARCore sdk for unity.
2. Set the XR support to ARCore in player settings.
3. Export to Android.
4. Search for planes.
5. Touch the screen to instantiate the game.
6. Create towers pressing the red markers.
7. The towers will defend their range automatically when tanks appear in different waves.
Download ARcore from:
download ARcore
NavMesh Components free scripts were included from:
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