By default,when we animate a large number of skinned mesh at the same time in screen,the frame rate is very low and the preformance is very bad.
By using this tool,you can play a large number animation at the same time on screen,with great performance and better frame rate.
1.By using the GPU Animation Baker Pro,it will sample the skeleton animaion data for corresponding model to textures,then use the customized shader to read the animation data from these texture in rendering stage.
2.This tool can bake all types of skeleton animation,including the Legacy, the Generic, and the Humanoid.
3.In this package,we customized the Standard (Metallic Setup) shader,the Standard(Specular Setup) Shader,and the Simple Shader.These customized shaders could get the animation data from the baked animation texture.
4.The baked gpu animation can run on mobile device.
5.Shadow effect support
6.GPU instancing support.
7.Crowd generator support.
8.There are three demo scenes in this package:the audience cheer demo,the bird fly demo,and the whale swim demo.
9.Full Source Code Support.