This asset is a completed project of 2P battle game. The player destroys a block with a bomb and attacks the 2P Player. This project includes the 3D model, C # script, and other resources.
This asset contains 4 stages.
- Grassland stage
- Bricks stage
- Desert stage
- Ice stage
Players can use the keyboard to move a player. 1P can be moved with the ASWD key and 2P can be moved with the arrow keys. Items sometimes come out when you destroy block with bomb.
There are two kinds of items, one to strengthen the power of the bomb and the other to increase the number of bombs that can be installed at once.
Blocks are placed automatically. You can change the size of the stage, the probability of items, the number of blocks etc from the inspector. So you can easily change the level design without writing scripts.
When using camera effects, you need to import the Legacy Image Effects Assets (https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/jp/#!/content/83913)