Not sure how to style your sky with clouds?This pack includes 27 cloud meshes and a custom cloud shader to quickly change the look and feel of your assets. All clouds have AO baked in the vertex colours, use a single noise texture and 1 of 5 basic toon ramps.
Contents: - 27 meshes- 1 shadergraph, 2 subgraphs
- 135 prefabs- 5 Toon ramp textures 256x2
- 1 Noise texture 256x256- The clouds are between 700 and 4100 triangles- For a total of 50338 triangles over 27 meshes and an avarage of 1864 per cloud meshNotes:No aditional software is required for this assets pack to function The packages Universal RP and Shadergraph are required for the shader to function. There is no special technical requirement for this package.