Is she a mild-mannered young woman, a spy, a cat-burglar…or maybe all three? The options are all there with this mecanim-ready character. Great for adventure, action or both.
***NOTE: The package has been prepared in the Lightweight Render Pipeline using UNLIT LWRP shaders. If you are importing to a standard version of unity, you will need to change the materials to their equivalent shaders.***
You are provided with two meshes: One basic mesh with just the outfit and a second mesh that includes the sunglasses and spy-vest accessories. This is a mix and match character, which includes 5 outfit textures, 7 hair color options, 4 makeup textures and 4 eye colors.
Several facial animation clips are included, in addition to basic idle, expression and walk cycles. The rig is Mixamo-ready with eye bones. The provided animations include hair movement, but it is rigged for use with physics-based joint packages, such as Dynamic Bone, or to tweak in your own animations.
A full set of blendshapes (blink, happy, sad, angry, thinking, shock, and lip-sync-compatible phomenes)
Textures are stylized and optimized for unlit/toon, diffuse-only textures, but Normal and Specular maps are included for your use
Clothing accessories (sunglasses, spy vest) that can be enabled or disabled for your game needs)
Polycount: 12,428; with accessories: 13,304
Regular updates