THIS IS A MAYA PLUGIN! Instalation steps included inside. For more info, visit:
BitCake Game Animation Exporter is a tool designed to improve the life of your Maya Animator and your Programmers.
It automates a lot of tedious small tasks that eat up a lot of time that could've been better used elsewhere. Yeah, that's right, we take care of the boring stuff so you can keep animating!
BitCake Game Animation Exporter will
- Import all your references
- Clear all the namespaces
- Bake all Joints AND Mesh animations (visibility animation only for meshes)
- Delete all control curves
- Save the cleaned file with a _baked suffix
- Save both the File Name and Export Directory for the resulting .fbx in the animation's .ma (This right here is worth the price alone if I may say!)
- Serve you some coffee and do foot massages (still in development)
You can also...
- Choose to either bake the entire selected timeline or just a section (start and end frames)
- You can Ignore baking animation on joints with a certain Tag
- You can Delete entire joint chains with a certain Tag
- You can choose to export All Meshes, No Meshes (animation data on joints only), Just Skinned Meshes, Everything Except Skinned Meshes
Because we love you all so much and we hate when things do not get explained, we've made some tutorial videos on how to use this tool!