This set contains various elements from a bathroom. Use it to accessorize your architectural visualisation bathroom !
High quality PBR materials in 4K resolution! The meshes are supplied as high-poly and lower-poly, mobile-optimized variants. All materials are defined using the Standard Unity shader, so they will work with SRPs (HDRP, LWRP) once converted.
Included in this set:
* Sink furniture with pharmacy and mirror
Tris: 8190
Texture: 4K PBR (same map as cabinet)
* Cabinet from the same set as the sink furniture
Tris: 434
Texture: 4K PBR (same map as sink)
* Toilet brush
Tris: 1757 (high), 400 (low)
Texture: 4K PBR
* Toilet paper holder
Tris: 1129 (high), 488 (low)
Texture: 4K PBR
* Tooth brush
Tris: 950 (high), 266 (low)
Texture: 1K PBR (same map as tooth paste)
* Tooth paste
Tris: 268
Texture: 1K PBR (same map as tooth paste)
* Toothbrush support
Tris: 1582
Texture: 0.5K transparency texture
* Simple trashbin
Tris: 1976 (high), 820 (low)
Texture: 4K PBR
* Designer trashbin
Tris: 2268
Texture: 4K PBR