FM WebSocket 2.0 is a plugin for Unity3D, which provides you a simple, flexible networking solution using WebSocket(TCP). It’s also part of our popular full package “FMETP STREAM”.-> -> -> FM WebSocket 2.0(TCP) is avaliable now, please check it out!*Live Stream Examples in Full Package >> FMETP STREAM Webpage | Main Forum | Youtube | Twitter | FacebookFM WebSocket provides you a simple, flexible networking solution using WebSocket. It's one of the easiest WebSocket Solution in Asset Store. Demo node.js server is included with ease.+ New Experiment- Expose SslProtocols: Ssl2, Ssl3, Tls, Tls11, Tls12- Above options can be set via FMSocketIOManager, when enabled Ssl option.+ Core feature WebSocket via node.js + socket.iostep 1) installation tutorial: setup node.js server in 2 minsstep 2) run the demo!>> Simple Send & Receive with Message or Byte[]>> Server <=> Clients>> General Send Type: All, Server, Others>> All Written in C#, easy to modify if necessary.+ Cross PlatformsiOS/Android/Mac/PC/WebGL/HTML/VR/AR/HoloLens+ Networking With Simple Commands>> SendToAll / Server / Others ("Hello World");>> SendToAll / Server / Others (byte[]);>> FMSocketIOManager.instance.SendToAll("Hello World");>> Example of customised send: Emit();>> Example of customised receive: On();For customised socket.io event: Step-by-Step guide+ Add-On featureSupported Query String in socket.io(Experiment)+ Add-On featureAdded "Demo_WebSocketEchoTest" scene as an example of compatibility with Regular Echo Test:www.websocket.org/echo.htmlSupport: thelghome@gmail.com#######################This asset uses 1) websocket-sharp under The MIT License (MIT);see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.